Blog- YouTube

Photography inspiration on YouTube

From time to time we all need inspiration to what we do. I have been member of clubs and groups, but in recent years I have worked more or less alone, and when I need some inspiration, I turn to YouTube.

Originally posted 01. February 2018.

 When it comes to photography, you can find everything on YouTube. At first you find many channels excellent, but with time you discover negative things and get more demanding. Worst is, if it shows up, that the person(s) behind the channel are paid by the manufactors. Nothing works without people getting paid for what they do, but as a spectator, you have to filtrate the information you get. Not every spoken word is true – that much truth doesn’t excist.


On my recommendations page there are links to the channels, I have found most pleasure in subscribing. Here are to be mentioned:


DPReview – When it comes to gear reviews, this is the best  – always good and solid information.

Adobe  Photoshop and 

Photoshop Training Channel are channels with good Photoshop tutorials.

The Candid Frame with Ibarionex Perello and 

Advancing Your Photography with Marc Silber deliver good information about photography.

Thomas Heaton – I shoot landscapes, but that is not the main thing. For Thomas, it is. He can spend a lot of time waiting for the right moment. I have seen him sitting for hours in a hot desert waiting for the sun to set. It’s like fishing. Sometimes you can wait for hours, and no fish bite the hook. I admire and enjoy following Thomas and feel his dedication. The way he prepares for an image is unique.

Last but not least I watch a lot of videos about street photography.

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