In this gallery I’ll present images that don’t fit in a normal gallery.
Demands for Equipment in Various Photography
Photographers who want to work in many different genres of photography can have very different requirements for their equipment. I won’t go through everything here but just give a few examples.
I have a good friend who is very interested in photographing birds. He is of course interested in powerful tele lenses because it is very difficult to buy shoes that don’t make noise. He could buy, for example, an 800 mm with a very large aperture and a 400 mm with the same. First, the equipment would be so heavy that he would have to have a trailer to carry the equipment, and secondly, his bank account would shrink significantly. So, Leif has a telephoto zoom. It makes it all affordable, and he doesn’t get out of breath carrying the equipment. A zoom also allows you to crop your image while shooting.
My own equipment consists of two Sony a6600 camera bodies and 2 lenses – a Vario-Tessar E 4/16-70mm and a Sony E 4.5-6.3 / 70-350 mm G. Compared to FF, the zoom range must be multiplied by 1.5. I feel quite privileged to own these parts. A few years ago, I had a Nikon d750 with a couple of zooms. The camera body with the normal zoom on weighed 1.5 kilos and it was far too heavy to lug around the streets. My current equipment weighs a total of 2.1 kilos, and that makes me very mobile. I carry the camera I don’t use in a shoulder bag on the front of my chest.
I can easily live with the minimal difference in image quality, that APSC sensors have compared to Full Frame, and the minimal difference between primes and zooms. It may be a luxury to have 2 camera bodies, but since they don’t have visible shutter curtains, the sensor is very susceptible to dust when changing lenses. I can keep the lenses on and thus protect the sensors. If dirt does get on the sensor anyways, I first try to blow it off with an air blower, and if that doesn’t help, and it rarely does, then the sensor needs to be cleaned.
I never take photos with a flash. I don’t own one for Sony, and I very rarely take photos with the camera on a tripod. An exception might be if I need to make motion blur in water. For my photographic activities otherwise, a tripod only is in the way. People would long since have run screaming away before your equipment is set up. Both of my camera bodies have wrist straps. I feel that this is the most comfortable and safest way to carry the camera. You can’t protect yourself from everything but treat it with care and clean it frequently.