In Balinese Hinduism people try to maintain a balance between the gods and the demons. It is all about harmony in life, and to behave well to get a good reincarnation.
Posted 6. January 2019.
On the Indonesian island Bali people are mainly Hindus, and when you visit the island as a tourist a strange but beautiful scenery takes place in front of you. There are temples everywhere – in the hotels, on the streets and in the houses. Two time a year every temple celebrates a birthday, and offerings are made and brought to please the gods.
Every day especially the women pray and make offerings. They are so graceful in their sincerity. With their elegant hand movements, they send the smoke from incense sticks to the gods. In Hinduism there are around 36 million gods, so there is quite a number to please.
You have to please both the gods and the demons. For the gods you place the offerings on the alters and for the demons on the ground. In that way the gods will help you, and you are protected from the demons
All the images in this portfolio are from a temple in Ubud next to the market.
You can see more images from Bali here.