These images are from the festival in 2021 and as usual a fantastic event.
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How to edit the Best Moments from Rømø Motor Festival
I shoot in RAW and always will. I use Adobe Photoshop (PS) and always will. First, I open an image in Camera RAW from Bridge. I should just add that I always underexpose my images 1/3 F-stop compared to the camera’s automatic setting. It is easier to edit an underexposed image with slightly dark shadows than an image with blocked or very bright highlights. In Camera Raw, it is possible to save the settings for an edited image and then subsequently add these settings to other images. This is usually a little exposure (+0.3) and contrast (+15) under Light; a little clarity (+10) under Effects; mark” Use profile corrections” under Lens. Now press the button with the 4 small white dots and select Save settings and give them a name.
You can give all other images from your day the same settings by opening them in Camera Raw, selecting them all and again selecting the button with the 4 small white dots and on the submenu choosing” Load settings”. The images now all have the same settings, and you can select them individually to change them further. I use PS in Danish, so I may not have used the right words everywhere.
If you have been photographing, for example sport, and are subsequently not completely satisfied with the sharpness, there is a solution. Let’s call it Sharpness through blurring. It is a fantastic way to make an otherwise passable image usable. You don’t even need to know and understand the theory behind it, as long as you can use it. It can be a portrait where the eye is not completely sharp, or a motion-blurred image where the main subject itself also lacks a little sharpness. I subscribe to many YouTube channels about photography, and you can watch a video about it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IujZ_RJ61w&t=187s.
In PS, you can create actions, and when you press Play with a marked action, you can easily and quickly make the same edits without using any effort. I’ve created an action that makes the suggested settings from the video, and it actually works great.
On my Blog page I have an article about Rømø Motor Festival